
A Home for Yahaya

THIS is a miracle!

THIS is a miracle!

It's an incredible blessing to be part of what God is doing in Uganda.  I'm constantly amazed at the transformation that is taking place in our little community and the number of lives being changed.  It's exciting to watch what God can do when His people say YES! to being His hands and feet!

A few months ago, I shared Yahaya's story of his need for medical care to treat his Leprosy.  Praise the Lord we received donations to get him the treatment he so desperately needed! 

After returning to the Village from the hospital, he showed up at Church to thank the Lord for "sending help" and now he attends Church regularly.

But there's more to his story...

Yahaya praising the Lord for His provision 

Yahaya praising the Lord for His provision 

Sadly, Yahaya's family abandoned him a long time ago and no one has wanted to help care for him because of his disease. He has been an outcast in the community and unable to find work because of the stigma associated with Leprosy.

He has lived in a make-shift house for many years where he has slept on the dirt floor with very little to cushion the hard ground.  He is so tall that he has not been able to lay flat when he sleeps, but has to either sit up all night or pull his feet inside when he tries to lay down.  He has spent many nights cold and wet because of the poor quality of his "home".

Our prayer for him was simply, "Father, please provide a real home for Yahaya."

Yahaya's Home

Yahaya's Home

God answered quickly and provided for Yahaya once again!

Through the generosity of a special Donor we have been able to build Yahaya a HOME; complete with a bed to sleep on, which has left Yahaya amazed.  He is amazed and thrilled to have a home and a bed --- basic necessities that most people take for granted every day.

Our Social Worker sent this message, "Yahaya's house has honored God in the community.  Many people visit his house everyday and are so amazed and thankful.  They are praying a blessing for Suubi because no one could even visit Yahaya before. Yahaya has always told a story -- that he never believed to sleep in a house like other humans. He had no hope since his family abandoned him and no one would accept to share with him since they labeled him diseased.  He also had no means to care for himself and always smelled badly, but now, he interacts in social situations and is developing self esteem.  He feels loved and cared for!"

Yahaya feels LOVED!  

Isn't that the whole point?  Isn't that what we are created to do?  Love people as Jesus loves us.  We ARE His hands and feet, created to do good works, so that others may see and glorify our Father in Heaven.  As Bob Goff says, "Simply put... Love DOES!".  

Oh! the JOY to see God's love in action!

Look at the JOY on Yahaya's face! 

Look at the JOY on Yahaya's face! 

Not only has Yahaya's health been restored, but his HOPE has been restored.  

His life has been C H A N G E D.

To the Donor that provided this blessing for Yahaya, from the bottom of my heart... thank you. There are no words to express the joy and blessing felt by your contribution to make having a home a reality for Yahaya.  

To all our Supporters, Sponsors, and Donors ---  Please believe me when I say, "YOU are changing lives in Uganda."  Your support is making a difference.  All for the glory of the Lord!

Christmas Meals

What a BLESSING!  We received donations for over 200 families to be able to receive a meal for Christmas Dinner! There were 200 families praising the Lord for this special Gift on Christmas day! 


All of our school children and their families, as well as many other needy individuals in our community, received this wonderful Gift.  As the meals were delivered, "there were smiles on every face"!  The people were dropping to their knees in appreciation and thanksgiving, praising the Lord for His provision! 

THANK YOU to every person that donated and made giving this Gift possible!  
We sincerely appreciate your support!

Yahaya's Story

Yahaya at Home

Yahaya at Home

This is Yahaya.

He is 54 years old and lives in the village near Suubi.

Yayaha has suffered from Leprosy for many years. Due to the stigma of the disease, he has been unable to get steady work and is treated as an outcast. He has managed to build his house from various materials that he found in the village; but he is in desperate need, as he struggles to find food each day and has no money to pay for the medicine he needs.


After we learned of Yahaya's condition, we posted his story on FB and asked for prayer for the Lord to provide for his medical treatment.

God is SO faithful!  

Within just a few days after posting, a generous Donor contacted us and sent enough money to provide for Yahaya's treatment, new clothes, some food, his transport to the medical facility and several months worth of the medication he will need.

Waiting to Check In

Waiting to Check In

It was quite a journey to get to the facility, but Yahaya had been praying for this opportunity for quite a while and was happy to finally be there and receive the treatment he desperately needed.

Praise God for His provision!

Leprosy Hosptial

Leprosy Hosptial

After several weeks of treatment, we were called and told that Yahaya was ready to be brought back to the village.

He was given medication and special sandals, along with instructions on how to care for his hands and feet to minimize the symptoms of his leprosy.

Happy Man

Happy Man

He was extremely happy to get the treatment he needed so badly.  Notice the smile on his face in the picture above!  His hope has been restored!

I was able to see Yahaya at Church after he returned to the village.  He expressed his thankfulness over and over again and praised God for His provision.

Testimony at Church

Testimony at Church

What a testimony of God's faithfulness!  And how beautiful it is to see a life changed by the faithfulness and generosity of God's people!

As Believers, we ARE the hands and feet of Jesus.  God is faithful to use us when we are faithful to answer His call.  Yayaha's hope is restored because someone said YES to the call to help him.

Just say "Yes!", God WILL do the rest!

A Gift from CrossRoads Camp

CrossRoads Camp is a center where mission-minded leaders are created through a practical, hands-on outdoor experience.  The center focuses on missions as an important component of their summer camp program.

This past summer over 600 children were taught about the love of Jesus and God's generosity  while camping in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

During camp week, the children are given the opportunity to donate money to a mission organization. This year the Camp Director chose Suubi as the organization to donate the funds too. The goal is to teach children about being generous and giving to the less fortunate.

Throughout the week, the Campers learned about Suubi, our school children, and our dream of building a Playground for our School. Each day at camp, the Campers could choose to spend their "treat" money on candy and ice cream OR they could donate it to the mission fund.  

Yummy treats or giving money away... that can be a tough choice! 

Lively Boys!

Lively Boys!

One young Girl -- who does not come from a Christian home and was just learning from her Counselor about the love of Jesus and the sacrifice He made for her -- decided to give ALL of her money to Suubi on the first day of Camp.  Even after being told that she wouldn't have any money left for the rest of the week to buy treats, she insisted that it be given to Suubi, saying, "I can get candy whenever I want, but these kids don't have anything -- they need it more than I do."

I agree with Camp Director, Cari Joy, when she said, "What an example of God and His generosity towards us."!

Sweet Girls

Sweet Girls

These children could have chosen to indulge in sweets and treats, but instead chose to GIVE. 

The Campers collectively raised over three thousand dollars to give to Suubi!  

for Real! a bunch of generous children raised over $3,000 in one week to go towards building a playground for our school children!  What a GIFT!  

THANK YOU, Counselors, for sacrificing your time and energy to pour into the lives of the special children you minister too.  Thank you for setting a Christ-like example and loving unconditionally.  Your investment will serve to change lives for all eternity!

Camp Counselors

Camp Counselors

Check out CrossRoads Camp at www dot crossroadsccc dot com

and Stay Tuned for an update on the new Playground! We are blessed!

The Value of a Uniform

We have had many people ask us why we spend money on School Uniforms, so I thought I would try to answer that question.

Most of our school children have one outfit that they wear every day until it is literally in rags.

Sweet Gerald

Sweet Gerald

When we gave our very first Students a new uniform two years ago, they were so excited and felt so "smart", that we realized it was an opportunity to show them Love by providing something super practical, but valuable to them.

They take great pride in making sure their uniform is clean, their shoes are polished and that they look "smart". Being well-dressed helps us all feel a little better about ourselves, true?  It's a small thing in the big picture, but it carries value in the way they feel about themselves. It is a daily reminder to them that they are Loved and Valued.

THAT is our "why".

Looking "Smart" in their Uniforms

Looking "Smart" in their Uniforms

THANK YOU to Everyone that donated for our school uniforms and shoes!  

And also a BIG thank you to our Sponsors for giving a child the opportunity to go to School. YOU are changing lives!

Here are our very HAPPY school children proudly displaying your Love!

Excited and Happy Children!

Excited and Happy Children!