THIS is a miracle!
It's an incredible blessing to be part of what God is doing in Uganda. I'm constantly amazed at the transformation that is taking place in our little community and the number of lives being changed. It's exciting to watch what God can do when His people say YES! to being His hands and feet!
A few months ago, I shared Yahaya's story of his need for medical care to treat his Leprosy. Praise the Lord we received donations to get him the treatment he so desperately needed!
After returning to the Village from the hospital, he showed up at Church to thank the Lord for "sending help" and now he attends Church regularly.
But there's more to his story...
Yahaya praising the Lord for His provision
Sadly, Yahaya's family abandoned him a long time ago and no one has wanted to help care for him because of his disease. He has been an outcast in the community and unable to find work because of the stigma associated with Leprosy.
He has lived in a make-shift house for many years where he has slept on the dirt floor with very little to cushion the hard ground. He is so tall that he has not been able to lay flat when he sleeps, but has to either sit up all night or pull his feet inside when he tries to lay down. He has spent many nights cold and wet because of the poor quality of his "home".
Our prayer for him was simply, "Father, please provide a real home for Yahaya."
Yahaya's Home
God answered quickly and provided for Yahaya once again!
Through the generosity of a special Donor we have been able to build Yahaya a HOME; complete with a bed to sleep on, which has left Yahaya amazed. He is amazed and thrilled to have a home and a bed --- basic necessities that most people take for granted every day.
Our Social Worker sent this message, "Yahaya's house has honored God in the community. Many people visit his house everyday and are so amazed and thankful. They are praying a blessing for Suubi because no one could even visit Yahaya before. Yahaya has always told a story -- that he never believed to sleep in a house like other humans. He had no hope since his family abandoned him and no one would accept to share with him since they labeled him diseased. He also had no means to care for himself and always smelled badly, but now, he interacts in social situations and is developing self esteem. He feels loved and cared for!"
Yahaya feels LOVED!
Isn't that the whole point? Isn't that what we are created to do? Love people as Jesus loves us. We ARE His hands and feet, created to do good works, so that others may see and glorify our Father in Heaven. As Bob Goff says, "Simply put... Love DOES!".
Oh! the JOY to see God's love in action!
Look at the JOY on Yahaya's face!
Not only has Yahaya's health been restored, but his HOPE has been restored.
His life has been C H A N G E D.
To the Donor that provided this blessing for Yahaya, from the bottom of my heart... thank you. There are no words to express the joy and blessing felt by your contribution to make having a home a reality for Yahaya.
To all our Supporters, Sponsors, and Donors --- Please believe me when I say, "YOU are changing lives in Uganda." Your support is making a difference. All for the glory of the Lord!