
2014 Summer Trip

Arriving in Uganda with a new Team of people is always a special moment for me.  The excitement that comes over everyone as we depart the airport and head into the City is electric.  As senses are assaulted by new sights, sounds, and smells I'm always reminded of my very first trip here and I love watching first time visitors take it all in. 

Just arrived in Uganda! Loaded up and headed to SUUBI 

Just arrived in Uganda! Loaded up and headed to SUUBI 

I love seeing their world view changed and their hearts captured by this country and these people. I love watching them fall in love with children that are so dear to my heart... these children that long to know they are loved and special.  

The transformation that takes place when a child feels loved is amazing... it's powerful.  Love changes their lives and restores their hope.  You can see it. 

Precious Girls

Precious Girls

The first several days after our arrival were spent painting the primary school building.  It was a BIG job, but the Team worked hard and pulled it off in just a few days.  Such a blessing!

Paint Coat #1

Paint Coat #1

After a hard days work, the Team would head up to the Field and spend time playing soccer and getting to know some of the school children.  It didn't take long for new Friendships to form!

New friends!

New friends!

Our second week was filled with morning dance lessons for our girl students as they learned what it means to be a daughter of the King.  Our guys met with our school boys and focused on what it means to be a godly man by learning that a true Leader is first a servant, just as Jesus showed us.  It was a blessing to watch the boys start allowing girls to go first by the middle of the week; as they learned that they are to protect and defend females, not abuse and take advantage of them.

The afternoon VBS/Summer Camp was a HUGE success!  The children love learning new songs and doing crafts as they learned more about Jesus.  The Highlight of the week was when 20 plus students asked Jesus to be their Savior.  Hallelujah! THAT is what this is all about!

Children accepting Jesus as Savior!

Children accepting Jesus as Savior!

The transformation that takes place, not only in the lives of the children we minister too, but in the hearts of the people that come to serve is one of my favorite things to witness.      

2014 Suubi Primary School Students

2014 Suubi Primary School Students

A heartfelt thank you to our 2014 Team.  You sacrificed time and money to travel to the other side of the world to love and serve our Suubi community... you have made a Difference in the lives of many children.  You have shown them Love... and given them Hope.

Click on the picture below to see more Photos of our 2014 Summer Trip...

SUUBI - A Film about Hope

Last night, Gary and I had the privilege of previewing the film Lumindeo put together to tell the story of how SUUBI was born.  The "Premier" of the film is coming up on Monday, May 19th.  I'm excited.  And nervous.  

It was an unbelievable experience to watch this story, God's Story/Our Story, unfold on the big screen with sub-titles and dramatic music.  This film is a Gift for us. Truly.  

As we watched, we were reminded of God's goodness and love for His people.  He pursues His children. He loves each one of us BIG and He goes to great lengths to save us.  "He rescued me because He delighted in me."  That's how He feels about us... about YOU.  Let the truth of that penetrate your soul.  Let that truth spur you on to fulfill His purpose in your life.  

While watching this film, I was reminded that, even when we don't see it, God IS working.  He is changing lives.  He is restoring hope.  HE is fulfilling the plan and purpose He put on our hearts when He called us to do this. He has gone and still goes before us, He directs our steps, He whispers to us... "this is the way".  We simply need to faithfully listen and keep DOing what He asks of us.

The realization that He's using our family to be a part of this amazing story... this BIG thing that HE is doing in Uganda is overwhelming.  We are blessed.  We are humbled.  We are grateful.  

It has not been an easy journey.  The day to day challenges of operating a ministry from around the world... the struggle of inadequacy and the feeling of being "in over my head" is real.  But as we watched this film, we were encouraged to continue walking in faith because at the end of the day.... it's ALL about Him. It's about spending our very lives to serve Him, to tell others about HIM, to show them Hope and then watch as HE changes lives.  The whole thing is pretty amazing.  I am so thankful that we said YES when He called us or we would have missed out on this beautiful work that HE is doing in the lives of 1,000's of people in a little village, far, far away.

I want to encourage YOU.  Whatever it is that you feel "led" to do for the Lord... IF it lines up with Scripture... IF it scares you to death, but at the same time excites you... IF you feel a passion for "it" (whatever IT is for you) deep down inside... I encourage you... take that first step in FAITH and GO for it. You don't have to have ALL the answers.  You don't have to have the whole plan figured out.  If God is calling you to something... HE has it all figured out already... you just have to say "yes" and start walking.  He WILL show you each step... in His time.  He probably won't show you the BIG picture all up front... because He's faithful like that.  But... He WILL show you.  He will lead you.  He's waiting on YOU to start walking... to start doing.  

So, whatever it is... GO.  I'll be here... cheering you on.

This Story... His Story... Amazing.  I hope you will watch it.  I pray that you are inspired to step out in faith.  He has work for YOU to do.  Even if you don't feel ready.... He IS.  He WILL equip you.  I promise.  He's amazing like that.

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Thank you, Chason Laing and Lumindeo.  Thank you Josh Gallas and Andrew Czap.  There are no words to adequately express the depth of gratitude that Gary and I feel for this Gift you've given us.  May the Lord bless you in every way.  May His purpose be fulfilled in your life.  And may all you do... bring HIM glory.  You are some pretty fine people and we are blessed to call you Friends.  With MUCH love.... 

Fundraising Benefit

Our first Benefit was a great success and we PRAISE the Lord for the generosity of many!  We raised $13,000 towards our goal of $100,000 to put towards completing phase 2 of our primary school building!  What a BLESSING!

A HUGE thank you to Will and Kerrie Eubanks for hosting a FABULOUS party!  This event would not have been possible without their generosity and we are MOST grateful!

Big THANKS to MATT STELL and Bobby Duncan for the AWESOME music, Big D's BBQ for the amazing food, Mindy Lu's Pies for the delicious pies and Chicken Express for the sweet tea!

Matt Stell

Matt Stell

Mindy Lu's Pies

Mindy Lu's Pies

Also a BIG thank you to corporate sponsors... Service First Mortgage, Smith Thompson Security, Brass Key Custom Homes, John Capps CPA, Ghengis Grill, Cendera Funding, Shanes Lawn Maintenance, Bandit Energy and Eubanks Appraisals! We are blessed by your GENEROSITY!

Thank you to all our Volunteers that helped with set-up, serving, and clean-up. We couldn't have pulled it off without you!!

Kids serving.jpg

Special thanks to EVERYONE that showed up to support SUUBI!!

Party People.jpg

TOGETHER, we can make a difference!  Thank YOU for supporting Suubi!

Primary School Building

Our little village school has grown very quickly and we are excited to see the change in our students lives!  Most of the children in our village were not able to attend school in the past because they could not afford to pay the fees.  

We allow children to attend our school for free through our "Change a Life" sponsorship program.  Through the program, children not only receive an education, but they also receive two meals each day, as well as medical care.  Life changing stuff!  

We are extremely THANKFUL for our sponsors who have partnered with us to make it possible for over 150 children to attend our school!  We now have a waiting list of children that are anxious for the opportunity to attend school and we want to make that dream come true for them.

Our challenge is that we have grown out of our existing building and are in desperate need to raise money in order to add four more classrooms to our school.  Currently, we have four classrooms for seven grades and we will add one more grade level next year, as our students move up, which will complete our primary school.  Due to a lack of space, we have two classes meeting on the steps and our nursery class meets in our church.  We NEED more classrooms!

We have been given a "Bill of Quantity" that estimates that an additional building with four classrooms will cost $100,000.  Although the amount seems overwhelming at times, we are trusting the Lord to provide!

We are gearing up to start fund raising for this building and we need your help!  Please consider giving towards this need. We also need prayer coverage and help spreading the word!  

EVERY dollar donated and designated for "SUUBI School" will be used specifically for completing our primary school. 

Education is key to enabling these children to 'be the change' their country desperately needs and we need YOU to make it possible!

Gerald Update


Because one woman said, "Yes, I will do my part and trust God with the rest"... a little boy's life is CHANGED!

AND not only is little Gerald's life changed, but as his father watched the faithfulness of a Jesus lovin' woman love and serve his son, he decided he wanted to know Jesus too! PRAISE the Lord!! 

Thank you, Heather Osborn and An Army of Six!

And THANK YOU to all those that contributed to Gerald's surgery and care! His life will never be the same because you said YES! and did your part!