Our mission is to educate, equip and empower impoverished children and the poor in Uganda, Africa
to redeem Lives for His Glory
We believe that “faith without works is dead” and that it is every Believer’s responsibility to “look after orphans and widows” as commanded in the book of James.
We believe education is key to changing the lives of the children we serve. Education will open wide the door to their futures empowering them to achieve their goals with the confidence they need to pursue their dreams.
We believe by equipping the people in our community with necessary tools, they will be able to use those to better provide for their families which will empower them to provide for the needs of their families.
We, being compelled by the love of Jesus, believe that each one of us can 'make a difference' in this world by sharing the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ.
It is our prayer that through The Suubi Project hope will be restored and lives will be changed for eternity... ALL for the glory of Christ Jesus!
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”