
Sponsors Needed

We have 48 new children that need sponsors.

It takes $30 a month to sponsor one child.  
That covers school fees, two meals a day and medical care.

30 bucks a month = O N E life changed.

These precious children that need provision to go to school, so that, they have hope for the future. So that, their lives will be changedThey deserve a chance.

So, here I am… 
asking you to pray…
asking you to share…
asking you to change a life.

Will you join Suubi and change a life today?

For more information, contact me at


LOOK what God has done!

If you have just joined our journey let me tell you a little bit about what the Lord is doing in Uganda through this ministry.  The Suubi Project sits on a hill bringing HOPE to the community. 

These are our children’s homes where orphaned/abandoned children call home… 

This is Suubi Community Church and Suubi Primary School are “a light on the hill.”

These are the precious children whose lives are being changed through Suubi Primary School’s sponsorship program…  

and these are a few of our amazing teachers...

Someone recently asked me “why?”

Why are we doing all this?

My answer…

We are compelled by the LOVE of Jesus.

That’s why.

His great love compels us…

to tell others of His love for them.

His love compels us…

to help the orphan…

to minister to the poor and needy.

As believers in Jesus Christ

we are to be His hands and feet…

we are to LOVE…

and we are called to SHOW His love.

A little love goes a long way…

Love CHANGES lives.

“Why do this?”

ALL for His GLORY…

that’s why we do it.

He alone is WORTHY of praise!

His glory WILL shine on and on and on…

I’m just thankful He is allowing us 

to be a part of what HE is doing!

He is SO faithful…

just look at what GREAT things He has done!!!

School Uniforms and Shoes

The children at Suubi Primary School have been measured for uniforms and shoes!

They are looking forward to receiving their new uniforms in just a few weeks. 

A special THANK YOU to Shirley Ottinger for contributing to the project and blessing these children with new uniforms!  Also, a special THANK YOU to Tina Gallas for donating money made from a garage sale benefiting the Suubi Primary School children to provide them with new shoes!


Tonight at Suubi Community Church we were given the opportunity to share our testimony about how God brought Suubi to life.  We told the people how God put a strong desire on our hearts to help the children here.  We told them about His great love for them and how He directed EVERY step of the process to bring Suubi to reality.  We told them how God provided for every need and we praised His faithfulness.

As I shared a very diluted, shortened version of ALL that has transpired out of His great love and faithfulness, my heart was encouraged and I was overwhelmed with the goodness of our mighty God!  “The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.”

After we shared our story, Joseph began sharing his testimony and then Arnold shared his story too.  What an encouragement!  For me to hear the details of how God began aligning this whole project YEARS ago… wow!  The details of how God brought us together and directed everything in order to fulfill His purpose is a beautiful testimony of His faithfulness.  “He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. He sustains the fatherless and the widow.”  What a testimony of His love for His people!

After the service, we had the priviledge of handing out bibles to those in the congregation that did not have one.  What JOY!  It was a blessing to be able to hand these beautiful people the Word that will truly change their lives. It makes my heart so happy to know that they will be able to read about true HOPE!

And just when I thought this night could not get any better…  Mukibii Nathan was standing in front of me waiting to receive a bible. It was my greatest pleasure and JOY to hand Mukibii his very first bible.  His entire family has confessed Jesus as Savior!  Oh how glorious!  Oh how wonderful! is our Savior’s love!

Where does our hope come from?  Our HOPE comes from the Lord!  To His name be PRAISE!