
LOOK what God has done!

If you have just joined our journey let me tell you a little bit about what the Lord is doing in Uganda through this ministry.  The Suubi Project sits on a hill bringing HOPE to the community. 

These are our children’s homes where orphaned/abandoned children call home… 

This is Suubi Community Church and Suubi Primary School are “a light on the hill.”

These are the precious children whose lives are being changed through Suubi Primary School’s sponsorship program…  

and these are a few of our amazing teachers...

Someone recently asked me “why?”

Why are we doing all this?

My answer…

We are compelled by the LOVE of Jesus.

That’s why.

His great love compels us…

to tell others of His love for them.

His love compels us…

to help the orphan…

to minister to the poor and needy.

As believers in Jesus Christ

we are to be His hands and feet…

we are to LOVE…

and we are called to SHOW His love.

A little love goes a long way…

Love CHANGES lives.

“Why do this?”

ALL for His GLORY…

that’s why we do it.

He alone is WORTHY of praise!

His glory WILL shine on and on and on…

I’m just thankful He is allowing us 

to be a part of what HE is doing!

He is SO faithful…

just look at what GREAT things He has done!!!